Tuesday, March 17, 2015

So stencil.

My stencil prowess lacks entirely. The last time I used a stencil was when I was about 12, using one of those awful alphabet stencils, probably out of boredom and the last time I made a stencil?....erm.....?...

So getting a blast of inspiration that required me to cut and use a stencil really was a bit of a double edged sword. I could see what I wanted to do but had no idea how to do it. A wee bit of thought and planning helped me to realise that 
a) I would definitely need a stencil for this
b) I would definitely need to draw and cut the stencil myself
c) I definitely had ruined my knife in a small 'craft frustration' moment and had none of the tools I needed

I acquired myself a decent craft knife and cutting board and set myself on giving Banksy a run for his money. It very soon transpired that a fancy drawing does not equal a good stencil. So drawing simplified, I went back to the cutting board but this time, getting further along in the process, I realised that there were a whole bunch of negative spaces that 'floated' and when cut out would just fall away from the stencil.

I solved the problem by linking up all of the negative spaces to the positive spaces. I was going to paint them in afterwards but eventually, I loved the overall effect so I left them in. 

My planning did not extend to card size so I ended up having to cut the stencil on two pieces of paper and stuck them together on the canvas. 

Fixing the stencil to the prepared canvas with some decorators tape, I was ready. The next, ahem, challenge, was to paint the stencil. I chose the finest kitchen scouring sponge lying about in our  cleaning cupboard and went about dabbing the paint on. It felt a bit Blue Peter to be honest and I could see why so many with street cred go with spray paints, but it seemed to be working well.

The eagle eyed (or stencil familiar) amongst you will notice another planning judgement fail. I had parked the drawing (and therefore the cut) right to the very edge of the card. There is no point to a stencil if paint can get on an area where you do not want paint. This move allowed that to almost happen. I am a moron still climbing that steep learning curve reserved only for those who scoff at proper planning. So it is in the interest of sharing my new found knowledge that I am telling you all about my mistake so you don't make the same one. You are welcome. 

Disaster averted, I completed the painting with no other stencils (although I did have to use this one twice) and have to say, I am thrilled with the results. The painting will go for auction later in the year for the SHARE Foundation (Sri Lanka) 

The SHARE Foundation has been set up to fund nursing projects for the poor and disadvantaged in the third world countries. Its purpose is to provide free nursing care for the infirm, elderly and terminally ill in the low-income groups. www.sharesrilanka.org

So proper planning saves silly stencil mistakes! And probably other stuff too...

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